Tales from the Briefcase of The Creepy Closer

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Tales From the Briefcase of the Creepy Closer- 

JoAnn Deville your Paranormal Property Professional.

 "A Chilling Welcome at the Dauphine Orleans Hotel"

In the heart of the French Quarter, nestled between lively jazz bars and centuries-old architecture, stands the Dauphine Orleans Hotel. To the average tourist, it was a charming slice of New Orleans history—but to my clients, the Duponts, it was a little too charming. They wanted more than an investment; they wanted ghosts.

As a real estate agent specializing in haunted properties, I knew exactly what to show them.

"This is it," I said as we approached the hotel's iron gate. "The Dauphine Orleans Hotel. Historic, beautiful, and rumored to be haunted by a Confederate soldier."

Mrs. Dupont grinned nervously. “A soldier, you say?”

I nodded. “Oh yes, and a few other spirits that just never checked out. But don’t worry, they’re friendly… mostly.”

Inside, the hotel’s courtyard was shadowed by moss-draped trees, the fountain trickling water softly in the twilight. The DuPont's exchanged glances, probably second-guessing their life choices at this point.

We stepped into the main lobby, and just as I was about to launch into my well-rehearsed pitch about the property’s rich history, the elevator at the far end dinged. No one had called it. The doors slid open, revealing… absolutely nothing.

“Ah, there he is,” I said with a grin. “The ghost of John, a Confederate soldier who was stationed here back in the day. He’s known to take the elevator on nightly patrols. Gotta love a spirit that’s punctual.”

The DuPont's shifted nervously but followed me upstairs. The narrow halls were lit dimly, casting long shadows on the ancient wallpaper. As we reached one of the infamous haunted rooms, room 111, Mrs. Dupont leaned closer. “Is it true that people hear whispers in here?”

“Oh, absolutely,” I said, twisting the doorknob. “Guests have reported everything from whispers to footsteps at all hours of the night. Some even claim the ghost of a dancer haunts this very room, swaying to music only she can hear.”

The door creaked open with a gust of cold air. Mr. Dupont jumped back. “That’s just the air conditioning, right?”

I winked. “Sure, let’s go with that.”

As we explored the room, the floorboards creaked beneath us. Suddenly, a lightbulb flickered out with a dramatic pop.

Mrs. DuPont shrieked. Mr. DuPont’s face turned pale.

“Don’t worry,” I said, “It’s all part of the experience! The spirits here like to make their presence known, but think of it as free entertainment.”

I finished with a flourish, telling them how the hotel had a distinct charm that couldn’t be found anywhere else in the city. “So, what do you think? Ready to make an offer?”

They both stared at me, wide-eyed, before Mrs. Dupont managed a faint, “We’ll think about it.”

I smiled. “Take your time. But if you’re looking for a hauntingly good investment, you know who to call.”  

The Creepy Closer, JoAnn Deville your Paranormal Property Professional.

If you need any real estate advice please contact me at 318.451.2385  

or email me here : https://www.searchinglouisianahomes.com/contact/